Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Popcorn :)

So...I'm so grateful to be blessed with some of the most wonderful family members and friends. There are days that I'm driving or sitting at my desk or walking across campus and I can feel my body filling with love, energy, powerful light. I know it's coming from the thoughts and prayers of those folks who live near and far that love me. 

Today was one of those days. I was driving to the bank and I was filled with love. I decided to call one of the people who I know sends that feeling to me daily, Sam, my brother.

On a momentary side note: if you know me you know that Sam has had many nicknames in his life. I've called him: Bubba, Little Sam, Big Sam, Unka Sam and Bro. Today I call  him Bro. You should know that I always call him Bro. I never refer to him as Sam. It's just easier. My Daddy was Sam, my dog was Sam, my best friend's daughter is Sam, one of my best friends from Louisiana is Sam, my Cousin Clint's son is Sam. Many, many folks in my life are named Sam.

I called Bro. We talked about Mom and Kate and Abby. And somewhere in the middle of our conversation we started talking about Iowa. Bro said he would like to go back to Iowa. I on the other hand am not drawn to Iowa but talking about Iowa made me think of Idaho.  If you know how my mind works call me up and tell me because I immediately thought of my Daddy. When I think of Daddy I generally have a story.

Today I reminded Bro of a story-- After I moved to Louisiana Daddy started driving to Georgia each week to buy lottery tickets. He and Mom made it a weekly event; drive to Georgia, get lottery tickets and ice cream. It was nice. They played the same numbers each week; my birthday, Bro's birthday and Jaime's birthday. I don't think they ever won much money but it was an event.

One night when I was talking to Daddy he told me that he and Mom were getting ready to go to Georgia to get the tickets. I asked him what he would do with the money if he won. Daddy said, "Well, I'd build you a big beautiful house where ever you wanted it and I'd build Sam a house in Alabama and I'd build Jaime a house in Idaho." I was perplexed. I thought and then asked, "Daddy, why Idaho?" Daddy replied, "Because that's one place on earth I never want to go." Daddy went on to say, "I'd buy me and your Mom an RV and we would drive from Sam's house to your house. We'd dirty up all your towels and then we'd leave." Daddy used to joke that we only came home long enough to dirty up their towels.  Bro and I laughed hardily at that!

After I got off the phone with Bro I went to the bank and then I ran into Wal-mart. As I entered the store there was a display with those big cans of popcorn with images of Christmas on them. I thought I need to get one of those for Daddy and then I remembered.  He loved the caramel popcorn :) Maybe he was there and some of the love and light that I feel is coming from my Daddy.  Maybe I'll go back and buy one. I love popcorn too.