Thursday, September 13, 2012

Random Acts of...

About two weeks ago I was driving myself and Kate to school. It was an average day; we were on time, the weather was good, we were listening to the radio, and enjoying a little serenity in the car.

We were driving on Highway 31 going South when I noticed a black Chevy Camaro about 100 yards ahead of us driving erratically. This car was moving in and out of the right hand lane, weaving onto the right shoulder of the road as well as into the left hand lane.

I think I said out loud: "What's going on?!" This random statement got Kate's attention. She said, "What Mommy? What?" I told her not to panic and that I didn't have any idea what was happening. My goal was to move past the car quickly.

As I approached the car I could fully view the situation. There was a young man on a bike pedaling as fast as he could on the shoulder of the highway as the driver of the Camaro was trying to hit him. The windows of the Camaro were down and the driver was shouting at the young man. I couldn't understand what was being said. The poor kid on the bike just kept pedaling; pedaling as fast as he could for his life's sake.

I called the police. I reported what I saw.

All the time Kate kept saying, "Why Mommy? Why would someone try to hurt someone else like that?" I said, "I don't know Kate. I don't know." And then I realized what I needed to tell her, "Kate there are bad people, no evil people, in the world. These people don't care about life." Kate fired back with, "Why Mommy?" And I answered as best I could, "I'm not sure, I guess they are full of anger which probably grew out of intense fear."

Then I thought a moment and  I told her, "Don't let your fear make your angry, Kate. Let courage and strength grow from there. I know you can do it; it's already started."